Hello friends,
Four poems this week. Enjoy! (And purchase The Robots of Babylon!)
SEESAW (Palindrome)
O dip!
Uneven, act.
I saw a seesaw:
As it can even up, I do.
(Haiku, Words Containing ‘can’)
Arcane hurricanes —
scandalously volcanic —
cancel candlelight.
WINE (Palindrome by Pairs)
New ink riddles.
O, stir this thirst!
So led, drink wine.
THE BEST WAYS (Three Anagrammed Haiku)
The best way to know
yourself is to benefit
art, update the age.
The best way to break
yourself is to often weep
a duet, at night.
The best way to eat
yourself is to begin at
the feet and work up….
Oh wonderful - these brightened my Monday morning! Thank you, Anthony!