Five Poems
Hello friends,
Five short poems this week. Enjoy! (And if you do, please consider purchasing The Robots of Babylon — your support would mean a lot to me.)
NO SONNET (Palindrome)
Never, ever:
often no song....
No sonnet
forever, even.
LIPOGRAMS (uses l, i, p, o, g, r, a, m, & s only)
A glossarial
origami, prim as glass,
rolls a lipogram.
WIND-UP TOY (Anagrammed Lines)
This wind-up toy
wound its pithy
sound with pity.
TOWER OF BABEL (Palindrome)
Emote ways
words garble,
A tale,
Babel brags
drowsy awe
to me.
GHOST STORY (Anagram-Haiku)
I find your strange ghost
out in the fog, in dry grass —
Grief haunts dying roots.